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Pancha Karma


Unhealthy diet, lifestyle, stress, changes in environment and imbalanced doshas etc, lead to accumulation of toxins in body. These toxins are deposited in cellular or even molecular levels in body. These are believed to be the root cause of many diseases in Ayurveda.

These accumulated toxins and excess of doshas have to be expelled out of the body and the balance of the tridoshas reestablished in order to keep our body healthy.

Removal of the accumulated toxins are done in two stages.

  1. In the first stage the toxins are brought to the nearest passages or channels of the body called srotas. The therapies used for this is called poorvakama.
  2. When the toxins reach the flow channels of the the body they are eliminated through the nearest orifices of the body. The therapies to eliminate the toxins known as doshas through the orifices are called Panchakarma

Out of the 5 major elimination methods, a qualified Ayurvedic doctor decides which are the ones are suitable for the patient.

They are

Vamana – expelling doshas and toxins through the oral route with the help of Ayurvedic perpetrations. 

Virechana – expelling vitiated doshas and toxins through purgation.

Vasti – expelling toxins through the anal or urethra route through herbal enema consisting of herbal oils and decoctions. (There are two major types sneha vasti and kashaya vasti)

Nasya - vitiated doshas and toxins which are accumulated in head and neck are expelled through nose.

Rakta Mokshana - Different methods of blood letting.



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