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Pancha Karma - Vaman

Panchakarama is the perfect method, for balancing, detoxifying and nurturing the body. It is one of the most important therapies of Ayurveda since its inception. This natural way of rejuvenation and detoxification has many longstanding benefits for all mankind.

The accumulations of toxins in the body along with the growth of the body is almost a forgotten aspect in the prevalent forms of modern medicine, the need to internal cleanse the body by Panchakarma therapy is an integral part of Ayurveda.

The Panchakarma treatment is different for each individual based on the illness they are suffering from as well as the balance or disposition they have between the Doshas. This therapy is also used as a purification therapy to cleanse the body before starting of any major treatment.

It is important to note that this purification process should only be done with a highly trained practitioner under the supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor and not attempted at home by yourself.

Panchakarma not only eliminates the increased doshas from the body and prevents their further increase but also balances the doshas to provide the following benefits

  1. Benefit for the sick include:

  • Complete cure of most of the diseases

  • Non recurrence of the disease

  • Over all health improvement

  • Mental well being and calmness

  • Preventing other disease

  • Rejuvenating the body and mind


  1. Benefits for the healthy include:

  • Increase of digestive power

  • Restoration of health

  • Improve energy and immunity

  • Proper and sharpened function of all the sense organs

  • Increasing mental abilities and brain function.

  • Color and strength of the body increases

  • Ability to produce good progeny

  • Slowing of the aging process and increase in longevity of life.

  • Increased libido and sexual power

  • Better chances of pregnancy and easy delivery for ladies

  • Removes all body aches and pains by increasing joint mobility.

  • Reduces extra fat.

  • Reduces dependence on alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

Panchakarma has been recommended to one and all by the great seers of Ayurvedic tradition for the purpose of healthy, long and disease free mind and body.


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