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Kerala Ayurvedic Therapies
Kerala Ayurveda
Shiro Dhara
Thakra Dhara
Shiro Vasti
Kadi Vasti
Uro Vasti
Netra Tarpana
Beauty Therapies
Herbal Steam Bath

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Kerala Ayurvedic Therapies

Kerala Ayurveda Estonia

These are very popular Ayurvedic Therapies which are specific to a state in India known as Kerala.



The major ones include
Shiro Dhara : Warm herbal oil flowing on the forehead in an unbroken flow
Thakra Dhara:Medicated buttermilk based decoction is poured on the person's forehead continuously for almost 30 to 45 minutes
Podikizhi-Full body massage to improve circulation, nerve & muscle stimulation with special Ayurvedic oils herbs packed in freshly prepared bolus bags
Navarakizhi : Full body strengthening & rejuvenating massage using freshly prepared bolus bags of rice, herbs, & milk
Shiro Vasti : Lukewarm medicated herbal oil is poured & allowed to soak into the scalp by retaining it for a prescribed period
Kadi Vasti : A dam of herbal dough on afflicted area which is then filled with warm medicated oil.
Uro Vasti : After a gentle body massage, a mixture of special herbal oils is poured over the chest in certain quantity over a area localized by boundary made from herbal paste.
Udvartan : Full body massage, using ayurvedic powders
  Pizhichil : Full body, warm herbal oil massage performed by two therapists
Netra Tarpana : Cleansing process for the eyes to remove tiredness and improve eyesight



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