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Pancha Karma - Virachan


Virechana is expelling the vitiated doshas and toxins through purgation. This therapy can be conducted as an individual detoxification therapy or as a follow up therapy next to vamana to ensure complete detoxification.

Total duration : 4 to 6 hours (adviced to take full day bed rest)


Benefits :Indicated in Arthritis, Hemiplegia, Urinary dsorders, Skin diseases, Mental disorders, Digestive disorders, Constipation, Piles, Spleeno megaly, Diseases of colon, and Diabetes. Improves complexion, appitite, vigour and vitality.

Contra indications :

  • Age below the age of 12 years or over age 65.
  • Menstruation or pre-menstrual period (one week prior).
  • Pregnancy.
  • In emaciated, delicate or sensitive person with too much fear, grief or anxiety.
  • Hypoglycemia.
  • Vata prakruti vata diseases.
  • Heart diseases during vata season.
  • Acute fever.
  • Chronic infections
  • Diarrhoea
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • IBS

Recommendations :

  • Consult our Ayurvedic doctor if you have any specific problems.
  • Done in empty stomach
  • Done only after poorvakarmas(preparatory therapies)
  • This therapy is done strictly under the recommendation and supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic doctor


Note: Our recommendations are general in nature and for informative purposes only. Please consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor or a health practitioner to confirm if the recommendations above are valid for your individual constitution.


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