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Pancha Karma Courses

A proper and effective Pancha Karma (Shodhana/elimination and Shamana/mitigation) course requires a person to undergo 41 days of procedures. Internal medications and a combination of different therapies are decided by the Ayurvedic physician depending on the individual’s constitution, nature of the disease and physical condition.

Lack of Ayurveda awareness and time, coupled with monetary or other difficulties on the part of the client, may influence the decision of a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic physician to do a Pancha Karma therapy in 7/14/21 days.

7/14/21 day Pancha Karma treatment is very effective on healthy people as preventive, rejuvenative or supplementary measures. Pancha Karma is contraindicated in certain conditions and should not be tried at home by reading books or under the guidance or advice of unqualified people.



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