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Treatment Programs for Weight Reduction (Anti Obesity)

Obesity is a term used to describe body weight that is much greater than what is healthy. If you are obese, you also have a much higher amount of body fat than is healthy or desirable. Unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, stress, depression or genetic factors can lead to obesity.

Adverse effects of this disorder are reduction of life-span, premature ageing, low sex drive & performance, unpleasant body odor, excessive thirst, tiredness, general disability & mental problems.

Ayurvedic management include therapies, medicines, diet and lifestyle changes for Improving fat metabolism, emulsifying the fat and eliminating it from the body. The balance of the mind & emotion, diet & digestion, appetite & metabolism results in a proportionate build-up of muscle to other tissues.

Follow up therapies and diet and life style changes can prevent further increase of body weight and adverse effects of obesity.

Therapies That usually suggest include : Udvarthanam, Kashaya vasti, Abhyangam, Herbal steam etc.

The Ayurvedic doctor during consultation will analyze the patients body constitution, health and related factors and will advice proper diet, lifestyle, medicines and therapies.


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