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Treatment Programs for Neurological Care

Neurological Disorder is a disorder of the body’s nervous system. The disease is rather widespread and affects the elderly generation more than any other age group. Neurological Disorder is characterized by stiffness, tremor, impaired movement and lack of coordination

Neurological Disorders according to the modern day interpretation are a result of genetic disorders, infections, lifestyles, brain injury, malnutrition, spinal cord injury and nerve injury among others.

Ayurveda considers neurological disorders to be the result of vata disorder. The vitiation of vata dosha causes imbalance and disharmony in the human system and will lead to neurological disorder. Ayurvedic treatments for neurological disorders will aim to rectify this vata imbalance and bring the vata dosha in harmony with pita and kapha dosha so as to eliminate every type of disease in an individual.

We deal here with a few of the neurological diseases that are more common among the present day population: Alzheimer’s disease, Epilepsy, Migraine and Headache, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Paralysis and Sleep Disorders. We have best suited packages for the management of each of them.

Therapies That usually suggest include Shirodhara, Sirovasti, Njavara kizihi, Nasyam, Kashayavasti etc.

The Ayurvedic doctor during consultation will analyze the patients body constitution, health and related factors and will advice proper diet, lifestyle, medicines and therapies.


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