Liver is often called the engine of the body, the liver plays an important role in digesting, metabolizing and manufacturing essential compounds. The liver's job is to scan and identify toxins in the plasma and store them so they don't enter the blood. This maintains the purity of the blood by keeping impurities from mixing with it.
Toxins building up in the liver can also result in allergies, high cholesterol, hypoglycemia, constipation, digestive problems and fatigue. If the imbalance continues for a long time, serious diseases of the liver can develop, including hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice and cancer.
Ayurveda offers unique diagnostic and therapeutic insights into liver pathology. The primary goal is to enhance liver detoxification processes and help protect and nourish the liver against further damage. The Ayurvedic physician after due examination recommends a series of internal medicines, diet and lifestyle regimens along with body cleansing therapies that can cure liver problems to a large extend. Modern medicine relies heavily on Ayurvedic herbs and supplements for providing the liver the daily support that it needs.
Therapies That usually suggest include Panchakarma, Abhyangam, Pizhichil, kadivasti etc.
The Ayurvedic doctor during consultation will analyze the patients body constitution, health and related factors and will advice proper diet, lifestyle, medicines and therapies.
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