The word shirodhara breaks down into two ideas: “shiro,” meaning head, and “dhara,” which means flow. Together they form a concept that aims to bring physical and emotional balance by rejuvenating the spirit and preserving health. This is achieved through a relaxing technique in which warmed oil is poured over a client’s forehead for an extended period of time.
Total duration : 70 minutes
Price : € 55 |
Benefits :It helps against eye / ear diseases, prevents sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, hair loss,neurological disorders, memory loss, vertigo, anxiety, depression, headache, migraine, hypertension, insomnia, schizophrenia, mental retardation & stress. It improves concentration, confidence & strengthens the sense organs, neck & head.
Contra indications :
- Age below the age of 7 years or over age 70.
- Menstruation or pre-menstrual period (one week prior).
- Pregnancy.
- Heart diseases
- Acute fever.
- Chronic infections
- Cold and cough
- Coriza
- Kapaha disorders
Recommendations :
- Consult our Ayurvedic doctor if you have any specific problems.
- Done in empty stomach
- Recommented in the morning
- Should not take shower immediatly before this therapy
- Dont expose to direct sunlight during this course
- Day time sleeping is prohibited
- Best results are obtained with 7,14 or 21 days cours