Specially cooked rice tied up in boluses are warmed in a mixture of Balamoola Kasaya and cow’s milk and massaged over the body with adequate pressure and movements as required for the patient. The pressure forces out the contents of boluses. The boluses are rewarmed and applied again and again till the Kashaya and contents of the boluses would have been entirely used up.
Total duration : 60 minutes
Price : € 45
Benefits : The main indication are all types of diseases of nervous system, chronic rheumatic diseases, pain to the joints, emaciation of limbs and diseases borne of vitiated blood. It also makes the body strong and sturdy with well developed musculature.
Contra indications :
Menstruation or pre-menstrual period (one week prior).
Heart diseases
Acute fever.
Chronic infections
Kapaha disorders
Skin diseases
Recommendations :
Consult our Ayurvedic doctor if you have any specific problems.
Best results are obtained with 7,14 or 21 days course
Note: Our recommendations are general in nature and for informative purposes only. Please consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor or a health practitioner to confirm if the recommendations above are valid for your individual constitution.