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 What is meditation?

  • Meditation refers to a family of self-regulation practices that focus on training attention and awareness in order to bring mental processes under greater voluntary control and thereby foster general mental well-being and development and/or specific capacities such as calm, clarity, and concentration.
  • It is the only tool that can aid a person to return to innocence.
  • Emotions should not be suppressed. Meditation helps to sublime the emotions and also helps an individual to overcome emotions to facilitate a calm peaceful mind and a healthy and stress free body.
  • With increase in the number of people who are clam, peaceful and healthy will facilitate a social transformation, enabling a society that is trusting, happy and content.


What are the different kinds of meditation?

  1. Omkara meditation (Concentrative meditation)- A practitioner can focus intensively on one object
  2. Mindfulness meditation- A practitioner can focus intensively on all mental events that enter the field of awareness.
  3. Cyclic meditation- This includes a combination of practices of asanas and relaxation technique in a specific manner which helps to develop awareness.
  4. I am technique- This includes combination of breathing pattern and pranayamas
  5. Twin heart meditation- Meditating on chakras

 How it benefits for me?

  • Bodily Benefits – Lower Blood Pressure, lowers the levels of blood lactate, improves the immune system, increases body vitality, controls insomnia and increases overall health of the body
  • Mental Benefits – Emotional stability, anxiety decreases, anger reduces, happiness increases, and intuition develops clarity and peace of mind, induces ability to focus, reduces tension and fear.
  • Spiritual Growth – Consciousness evolves, meditation brings harmony in creation, personal transformation, realization of self.

How it benefits for society?

  • Violence Free Society – Meditation develops happiness, contentment and calmness. When increasing number of people practice meditation, it has a calming effect on the environment. This is a potent way to achieve a violence free society.
  • Value Based Society – The effects of meditation include happiness, respect for the environment and others, appreciation of diversity in nature, a strong sense of social values. These qualities an individual level, helps develop a value based social system.
  • Trusting, Happy and Content Society – These are the objectives of any society. Meditation empowers a society to achieve these qualities.

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