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Ayurvedic Treatments for Headaches (Migraine, Sinusitis)

Headache can be due to many causes: indigestion, constipation, colds and flu, poor posture or muscle tension. As a nerve pain condition, it is placed here, though it could go in other categories as well. Migraine, a more severe and common type headache, is often related to congenital and environmental factors.
Sinusitis which involves the inflammation of frontal sinuses are another common cause of chronic head ache.
Ayurveda consider migraine as a vata dominating disorder and sinusitis as a kapha dominating disorder.
Headaches can also be a symptom of problems elsewhere in the body.

Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations:

  • Sweet and mild tastes are better in relieving headaches than other tastes. When there is a headache, consuming a sweet preparation or even a spoonful of sugar helps.
  • Milk and ghee are also beneficial in headaches.
  • Rice is the preferred carbohydrate to be taken in times of headache.
  • Spicy and fried foods must be avoided when there is a headache (if it is not kapha dominating headache).
  • Sit quietly in a darkened room, concentrating on deep breathing until toxins are expelled and tension released.

Ayurvedic home remedies you can try:

  • Early morning after waking up dab an apple with salt and eat it. After that, drink some warm water or milk. Continuing this for ten days will reduce the problem of continuous headaches.
  • Peel a piece of garlic. Put it in the mouth and chew it slightly. Let its juices spread around the mouth region and upwards into the head. Keep on chewing the garlic mildly and allow the juices to spread. Within some minutes the headache would disappear.
  • For headaches that are caused due to common colds, drinking a decoction of coriander and sugar helps tremendously.
  • Grind some cinnamon and make it into a paste with water. Apply this on the head.
  • Soak some almonds in water overnight. In the morning, grind them into a paste and warm them slightly in ghee. Mix this in water and drink. This helps in treating migraine that has been going on since a long time.
  • For sinus headaches, try boiling a cup of vinegar, placing a towel over your head, and breathing the fumes to open air passages.

Treatment in Ayurveda:
Treatment of head ache in Ayurveda is mostly to correct the dosha vitiation.
For migraine Shirodhara, Sirovasti, Head massage along with proper diet and medication can provide complete cure.
For Kapha dominating headaches like sinusitis therapies like Nasya and Vamana along with internal medication and diet and lifestyle changes can give complete cure.
Consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to get a complete and proper solution.

Note: Treatments mentioned here should be done only under the supervision of qualified Ayurvedic doctor

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