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Ayurvedic Treatments for Haemorrhoids (Piles)

Haemorrhoids - more commonly known as piles - is a very painful condition wherein the internal and external veins of the anal region become varicose. The veins can be seen protruding from the anal area. If bleeding occurs, then they are called as bleeding piles. Both bleeding and non-bleeding piles are painful.

In Ayurveda, haemorrhoids are called as Arsha Shoola, which literally means 'pain from pricking like needles'. This is indeed how the pain from the haemorrhoids is felt. It is caused due to vitiation of any of the three doshas. It is classified as a digestive disorder; accumulation of waste materials in the rectal area can give rise to piles. The chances of piles are increased by other factors such as sitting on hard seats, chronic constipation and pregnancy


Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations:

  • Eat nutritious foods with water-soluble, easy-to-digest fibre such as whole, juicy fruits, white pumpkin, carrots and cucumber.
  • Avoid hard fibers, such as hard, mature spinach, which can scratch the rectal area.
  • Add yellow mung dahl to the diet. (Available at Indian stores.)
  • Avoid spicy-hot and citrus foods.
  • Cook with coriander, and a little cumin and turmeric.
  • Don't skip meals.
  • A morning walk is a good.
  • Avoid continuous sitting. Take breaks and stretch.
  • Go to bed early,
  • Don't hold bowel movements or urine

Ayurvedic home remedies you can try:

  • In a bowl of water, soak peels of a pomegranate. Place the bowl on flame and let this water boil. Turn off the flame, strain the concoction and let it cool down. Drink this once in the morning and once in the evening.
  • Put 10 gm black mustard in 150 ml goat's milk. In this, add 5 gm sugar. Drink this mixture in the morning, everyday.
  • For bleeding piles, keep 1/4 litter goat's milk for curdling overnight. In the morning, add an equal amount of carrot juice and blend it. Drink this mixture. Alternatively, freshly prepared goat's milk yogurt, consumed with freshly chopped carrots, is also beneficial in treating piles.
  • Radish is effective in curing piles. Extract the juice of white radish and mix it with honey. Apply this mixture on the affected region. This will prove helpful in treating piles.
  • For instant relief, applying coconut oil on the affected region will be your best bet.
  • Take 1 tbsp each of roasted black cumin seeds and cumin seeds (not roasted). Mix this well and add to a glass of cold water. Drink this concoction once every day.
  • In a cup of milk, mash a ripe banana. Have this mixture 3 to 4 times in a day, to stop the pain experienced during piles.
  • Soak 3 to 4 figs in a glass of water and keep them overnight. Have them early in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Treatment in Ayurveda:
In advanced stages of haemorrhoids Ayurveda recommends surgery and the procedure is mentioned in detail in Ayurvedic texts.
In case of bleeding piles the first line of treatment is to arrest the bleeding.
In the initial stages of piles therapies like vasti, panchakarma with internal medication and diet and lifestyle changes can cure the problem completely.

Consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to get a complete and proper solution.

Note: Treatments mentioned here should be done only under the supervision of qualified Ayurvedic doctor


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