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Ayurvedic Treatments for High blood pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension is one of the major causes of disability and death all over the world. Hypertension causes heart attacks, strokes, kidney failures and other disorder if it is neglected and remains untreated. In many cases, hypertension does not cause any symptoms until it causes complications such as heart attack and stroke and plays a role of silent killer in the body. So it is important to realize that you may have high blood pressure and only way to find it out that get your blood pressure checked at regular intervals.

Blood pressure is high when arterial blood pressure is elevated above the normal ranges. The normal blood pressure reading is systolic 120 over diastolic 80.

According to Ayurveda, high blood pressure involves all the doshas, the heart, and the blood vessels. We can see signs and symptoms of derangement of vata dosha mainly that of 'Vyana vayu' in high blood pressure.

Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations:

  • Avoid meat, eggs and salt and coffee
  • Follow the following vegetarian diet:
  • Garlic, lemon, parsley, Grape fruit, watermelon, Milk and Cottage cheese are good
  • Limit sodium in the diet.
  • Cigarette smokers tend to have high blood pressure
  • Do yoga and meditation
  • Avoid anger, tension, anxiety and loud speaking as all these increases blood pressure.
  • Laughter therapy is considered a good medicine for the treatment of hypertension.

Ayurvedic home remedies you can try:

  • Soak 1tsp fenugreek seed in water for a night and munch them early in the morning on empty stomach.
  • Grapefruit is useful in preventing high blood pressure
  • Take two teaspoon of half onion juice and half honey once a day for 1-2 weeks. It is an effective home remedy for high blood pressure.
  • Eat 1 Papaya on an empty stomach daily for a month. Do not eat anything after for about 2 hours.
  • Watermelon and it seeds are good for lowering blood pressure


Treatment in Ayurveda:
The treatment is to correct the balance of vata dosha. Pitta vitiation is also seen often and should be treated.
People with Pitta and Vata predominate constitution and Pitta and Vata imbalance, are more prone to hypertension than any other. Unprocessed anger, frustration, irritability, anxiety and fear leads to mal-adaptation of the endocrine system, which then leads to conditions like hypertension. Treatment is based on bringing these imbalances back to normal. In the treatment of hypertension; nutrition, exercise, breathing exercises (Pranayama), yoga, meditation, behavioural modification along with various herbs and minerals are prescribed
Therapies mostly prescribed include Shirodhara and Thakradhara.
Consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to get a complete and proper solution.

Note: Treatments mentioned here should be done only under the supervision of qualified Ayurvedic doctor



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