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Ayurvedic Management of Diarrhoea

Aatisar or Diarrhoea is a condition of passing three or more liquid motions per day. Any of the three Dosha’s, accumulation of Ama or toxins, stress, fear, grief can be the causative factor in this problem.  Severe diarrhoea or Pravahika may lead to dehydration and cause a threat to life. Many reasons like too oily, too watery, too dry, too hard, too hot or too cold food, eating another meal before the previous meal is digested, irregular eating habits, eating unaccustomed or impure foods, water, food poisoning, parasites, change in seasons, stomach flu or emotional disturbances can cause Diarrhoea. Ayurveda, depending on the cause of the disease has a multiple and very effective approach beginning with diet control to treat this problem.

Ayurvedic home remedies you can try:

  • Chew a few pieces of the inner lining of pomegranate with salt, and/or drink pomegranate juice.
  • Drink a mixture of 1 tsp mint juice, 1/2 tsp ginger juice, and 1 tsp honey.
  • Grind a lemon along with seeds and grind to a paste. Add some salt. Take 1 tsp of this paste 2-3 times.
  • Mix 1/2 tsp lemon juice, 1/2 tsp ginger juice, and 1/4 tsp pepper powder and drink it.
  • Grate one raw papaya. Add 3 cups water, boil for 10 minutes, strain and finish the water in one day
  • Mango seeds are also a very excellent medicine for curing diarrhoea. Seeds should be dried and powdered, take around 2 gram powder with honey; can be taken without honey twice in a day.
  • Drink carrot soup

Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations:

  • Drink plenty of liquids especially carrot juice which helps making stools less watery. But avoid Caffeine and alcohol.
  • Yogurt, Rice, Banana, Apple, Boiled vegetables, Fruits etc are good
  • Avoid strenuous exercise
  • Avoid cold shower

 Treatment in Ayurveda:

Diarrhoea is treated by an Ayurvedic doctor depending on the severity and dosha vitiations.
In chronic and recurring types long term internal medications along with Kashaya Vasti, Sneha Vasti and Shiro Dhara are suggested.
Consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to get a complete and proper solution.
Note: Treatments mentioned here should be done only under the supervision of qualified Ayurvedic doctor


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