Cough or sudden noisy expulsion of air from the lungs is primarily a Kapha disorder which is caused by accumulation of mucus, by irritation to the mucus membranes of the respiratory tract or a weak digestion. Aggravated coughing or Khasa Roga can be due to vitiated Vata but Pitta and Kapha can also cause cough, persistent cough is indicative of an impending respiratory disease. Ayurveda can treat this disorder very effectively. There are special treatments for smokers and people working in highly polluted environments.
Ayurveda consider cough as symptom rather than a disease.
Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations:
- Cold foods, cold drinks, ice cream, sweets, fried foods, milk products like cheese, creams, yoghurt etc. should not be taken.
- Hot milk without fat can be taken if boiled with a pice of crushed ginger.
- Sweet fruit juice should also be avoided, Breads, meats, nuts and pastries are not advisable.
- It is good to take a light warm diet like boiled or steamed vegetables; vegetable soups and fruits, which areok
- not juicy, like papaya and apple.
- Spiced teas, herbal teas and other hot drinks are beneficial.
- Sleeping during the daytime should be avoided.
- Taking cold showers, exposure to cold winds, fans, air conditioners etc. should be avoided
Home remedies you can try:
- Sometimes, cough is a result of inflammation and infection in the pharynx. In such cases, cloves can be one of the most suitable ayurvedic remedies.
- take some fenugreek seeds and boil them in water for about 30 minutes. Use this solution for gargles. It provides suitable relief.
- Consume fennel seeds on a regular basis along with some figs for excellent results.
- Extracted juice of ginger with honey take three or four times a day is an excellent remedy for coughs and cold.
- Mix 3 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 cup honey, and 1/4 cup warm water and take two teaspoons daily.
- In cases of dry cough,peel a small piece of fresh ginger. Sprinkle some salt on it and chew.
- Add a gram of turmeric powder to a teaspoon of honey for curing dry cough
- Hot tea with lemon and rasberry jam, drink as much as possible.
- Chew cardamom for a long time.
- Add two tablespoons of glycerine and two tablespoons of honey to the lemon juice. Take 1 teaspoonful daily. It will give you relief from cough.
Solutions in Ayurveda:
In most of the cases eliminating kapha by expectorants is the first line of treatment.
Cough suppressant are not commonly used in the first stage.
for chronic cases Uro Vasti, Nasya, Vamana, Shiro Vasti, Sarva Kaya Abhyanga, Pizichil and Pranayam (breathing) exercises along with preparations for internal use are suggested.
Consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to get a complete solution.
Note: Treatments mentioned here should be done only under the supervision of qualified Ayurvedic doctor.
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