Anaemia in Greek means "lack of blood". It is a decrease in number of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) or haemoglobin in the blood. In Ayurveda it is called Pandu Roga and has its sub types. Some common signs or symptoms are the loss of natural colour (pale) particularly on skin, nails, tongue and eyes, the feeling of laziness, tiredness and exhaustion even without doing work and loss in firmness or strength of muscle. Apart from internal medication and therapies, Ayurveda has very good dietary solutions for this problem.
Home remedies you can try:
- Take a cup of beetroot juice and a cup of apple juice with honey or sugar. This speeds up RBC production.
- Eat a ripe banana with two-tea spoon honey twice a day.
- Eat Indian gooseberry or orange. These fruits help speed up iron absorption to body.
- Drink a cup of tomato juice mixed with apple juice once in four hours.
- Take honey. It has easily digestible and absorbable minerals, especially iron.
- Give breast milk to infants to prevent anaemia.
Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations:
- Overdoing strenuous exercises and excessive sexual intercourse should be avoided
- Wrong use of Ayurvedic Panchakarma purification therapy can cause anaemia.
- Seasonal upsets and environmental pollution can lead to anaemia
- Eating a lot of heavy to digest food. It can alter the normal digestion and absorption of nutrients from food and cause anaemia.
- Excessive alcohol and carbonated drinks should be avoided
Solutions in Ayurveda:
Ayurvedic anemia treatment is done according to following principles.
- Avoidance of all the dietary, lifestyle and emotional factors that cause anemia is essential to anemia treatment.
- Panchakarma Purification Therapy - First give internal Oleation and then use induced purgation. By doing this panchakarma purification first, the efficacy of herbs is increased in anemia treatment.
- Diet and herbs in anemia treatment should be in accordance with affected bodily humors.
Consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to get a complete solution.
Note: Treatments mentioned here should be done only under the supervision of qualified Ayurvedic doctor.
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