As hair is a major factor of your appearance and is a part of physical attraction, definitely you don’t want to lose hair. There are many causes for hair loss and the proper treatment depends upon the root cause of hair loss, which varies from person to person. Inherited characteristics and sex hormones play a significant role in hair loss in both men and women. It is a mistake to simply assume the onset of hair loss is inevitable and cannot be cured. Some forms of baldness are even temporary.
In Ayurvedic texts three terms are used to describe the symptom of hair loss, such as - indralupta, khalitya and ruhya. According to Aacharya Vagabhata, when hair falls suddenly it is known as indralupta while khalitya is a long running process of hair fall. One more opinion is that indralupta affects beard, khalitya affects scalp and ruhya affects the entire body.
Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations:
- Fruit and vegetables should be taken in abundance to facilitate the supply of essential vitamins and minerals.
- Endocrine abnormalities like hyperthyroidism, disorders that result in an excess formation of male hormones, an autoimmune disease like SLE etc., should be properly managed by treatment.
- Don’t go for a crash diet to loose your weight as it causes damage to your health and will affect your hairs also. Return to proper nutrition that provides you sufficient protein and required calories, to recover normal hair growth.
- Avoid tension, stress, worries, anger, etc., as far as possible.
- Avoid inflicting mechanical tension to the hair by pulling, crimping etc. Certain beauty practices like trimming, using strong hair colour etc., impart sufficient damage to the hair.
- Avoid such hairstyles, which pull back hairs from frontal hairline.
- Don’t use hot combs or hot water bath for hairs.
- Take care of hair shafts also by proper oiling etc., to avoid dryness or cracking of it.
- Don’t use harsh chemicals (certain shampoos) over scalp.
- If dandruff is there take proper treatment. A high fat intake including whole milk, butter, cream, cheese chocolates etc., often worsens the dandruff condition, better avoid it.
Home remedies you can try:
- Application of an oil mixture of almond and basil oil on the scalp on alternate days is beneficial.
- Onion juice with honey helps basically to fight against baldness. Onion contains vitamin-B6. And this vitamin is beneficial for growing of new hair.
- Applying coconut oil and coconut milk over scalp is beneficial in the treatment of hair loss
- Using of lettuce with spinach juice is also helpful for growing of hair. It basically makes hair long and strong.
- If your scalp or hair is very dry use a mix of honey and egg white for application
Management in Ayurveda:
According to Ayurveda alopecia due to genetic factors are not completely curable.
Alopecia arietta and hair fall due to other reasons like chemotherapy or dandruff are best treated in Ayurveda
Removing or avoiding the causative factor is the first line of treatment.
Shirodhara, Siro Abhyangam , Sirovasti , Nasyam etc. Along with internal and external herbal medication are used in extreme cases
Consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor to get a complete and proper solution.
Note: Treatments mentioned here should be done only under the supervision of qualified Ayurvedic doctor.
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